Image About P3Dx

About P3Dx

P3Dx stands for Pandemic Preparedness by Pathogen detection. The innovation programme aims to develop rapid, cost-effective, and scalable methods for pathogen detection to limit the spread of infectious diseases.

Pandemic preparedness involves many aspects, including developing plans and scenarios, strengthening healthcare infrastructure, developing bio technological innovations, and promoting multi-organisation cooperation and coordination.

To be prepared for a future pandemic, we need a good infrastructure, faster, and more cost-effective testing methods that allow for large-scale testing. P3Dx therefore establishes an ecosystem and develops test innovations that improve development time, test quality, cost efficiency and wide applicability.

Moreover, P3Dx creates economic opportunities by focusing on non-pandemic applications of test innovations. Applications in all domains with a need for testing for pathogens will be explored, ranging from medical to agriculture and beyond.

Several knowledge institutes and innovative companies are working on new test methods. P3Dx connects public and private parties and explores new applications for test innovations.

Organisation programme

P3Dx will run for three years. The programme is funded by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. TNO is responsible for coordinating the programme.

Partners of P3Dx include universities, academic and non-academic knowledge institutions, health institutes and industry. They include established parties as well as newcomers active in and around testing and test innovations; in policy, science or innovation. Participants can join throughout the duration of the programme.

The P3Dx innovation programme consists of two phases with separate work packages:

  1. A formative phase (2023 - 2024) in which the innovation ecosystem is set up and the innovation agenda is developed in detail.

  2. An implementation phase (2024 - 2026) in which we work with our partners to develop and apply innovative test methods in different use cases.

Research results are disseminated as widely as possible, within and outside the Netherlands.

P3Dx will link to activities aimed at surveillance, such as inwaste water, and with epidemiological monitoring the spread and impact of pandemic infectious diseases in a population.