Image Research


P3Dx conducts research in three sub-programmes: Knowledge, Innovation and Practice. We establish a well-organised knowledge infrastructure, define innovation criteria for pandemic pathogen detection, develop test innovations and assess them in practice.


The COVID-19 crisis significantly accelerated advancements in testing technologies. In this sub-programme, research institutes and innovative startups collaborate on pioneering test innovations like CRISPR-Cas and LAMP, facilitating swift, adaptable, and precise DNA and RNA detection. Also, by integrating advanced optics and nanomaterials, we develop ultra-sensitive biosensors for the protein-based identification of pathogens.

P3Dx focuses on accelerating the applicability of test innovations with an emphasis on ease of use, accessibility and the right balance between speed and accuracy.


P3Dx evaluates findings in real-world applications, compares them to existing standards, and formulates recommendations and protocols for test innovations.

This sub-programme focuses on:

  • Implementation of field studies and model simulation to enable translation of research results and innovations into directly applicable measures.

  • Assess new tests together with professionals and citizens for broad trust, acceptance and outreach to different target groups.

  • Further development of the first pre-competitive prototypes of test innovations in public- private partnerships.